CTTC’s goal on producing scientific excellence is accompanied by the PostDoc Program which supports early-stage research fellows to gain access to advanced research training within a competitive international environment; expand their research skills and make relevant contributions in the different active research lines carry out in the CTTC’s Research Units.
Post-doc openings also published under the general Job Openings section. Postdoc fellows generally joins CTTC on an external grant or from a direct contract through CTTC’s Job Openings.
Calls for expression of interest for national and international calls will be posted here.
Recent Fellowship.
- Ramón y Cajal [deadline Feb. 3rd, 2023]
- Juan de la Cierva [deadline Feb. 10th, 2023]
The PostDoc program includes research and visiting stays at CTTC in collaboration with CTTC’s researchers.
Contact: training@cttc.cat or the Heads of the Research Units.