5GMediaHUB - 5G experimentation environment for 3rd party media services

Start: 01/01/2021
End: 30/06/2024
Funding: European
Status: On going
Research unit:
Information and signal processing for intelligent communications (ISPIC)
Acronym: 5GMediaHUB
Call ID: H2020-ICT-2018-2020
Code: 101016714

5GMed5GMediaHUB aims to help EU to achieve the goal of becoming a world leader in 5G, by accelerating the testing and validation of innovative 5G-empowered media applications and NetApps from 3rd party experimenters and NetApps developers, through an open, integrated and fully featured Experimentation Facility. This will significantly reduce not only the service creation lifecycle but also the time to market barrier, thus providing such actors that are primarily from SMEs, with a competitive advantage against their rivals outside EU. In particular, 5GMediaHUB will build and operate an elastic, secure
and trusted multi-tenant service execution and NetApps development environment based on an open cloud-based architecture and APIs, by developing and integrating a testing and validation system with two existing well-established 5G testbeds (by CTTC and Telenor) for enabling the fast prototyping, testing and validation of novel 5G services and NetApps.

5GMediaHUB will offer: (i) a DevOps environment for Testing as a Service; (ii) a rich set of Experimentation Tools that offer scheduling, validation, verification, analytics and QoS/QoE monitoring mechanisms; (iii) A set of re-usable vertical-specific and vertical-agnostic NetApps with easy to use APIs that can be consumed by application developers, reducing the complexity and risk of integrations and operations; (iv) a re-usable open-source NetApps Repository; (v) an umbrella crossdomain service orchestrator to deliver cross-domain orchestration of NetApps; (vi) an innovative security framework offering software defined perimeter protection and isolation of NetApps; (vii) incremental validation capabilities of the Experimental Facility evidenced through 3 novel media use cases with 2 scenarios each, over 3GPP R.16 and R.17 5G testbed releases.

Our 17-partner consortium (9 SMEs) from 9 countries has extremely rich 5G-PPP experience, since 13 partners have participated in previous 5G-PPP projects and in several 5G-PPP WGs.

Adrián Agustin
PI/Project Leader
Jordi Serra
Sergio Barrachina
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
Promozione per L Innovazione fra Industria e Universita Associazione
Idryma Technologias kai Erevnas
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Univesitet NTNU
Waterford Institute of Technology
Telenor ASA
Elliniki EtairanTilepikoinonion kai Tilematikon Efarmogon AE
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
Appart AE new Technologies Computer and Telecommunications
Brainstorm Multimedia SL
Ebos Technologies Limited
Inlecom Innovation Astiki mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia
Swiss TXT AG
RayShaper SA
Norigin Media AS
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