The DARLENE project will be represented by CTTC at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona between February 27th to March 2nd 2023. The project combines innovative 5G, AR, MEC and AI tools that aim to improve situational awareness when responding to criminal and terrorist activities. CTTC provides 5G technology to support AR and MEC. 5G chipsets are integrated with Nvidia Jetson platforms for on device AI and to enable 5G connectivity. Moreover, an innovative private 5G network is proposed and implemented to support the AR application and to enable the MEC offloading through 5G in a cloud continuum framework. The DARLENE technology will be demonstrated in two representative use cases in real pilot sites. Use case 1: “Rapid visual scene analysis to identify suspicious/dangerous objects and injured people”. Use case 2: “Tactical neutralization of human adversaries in the presence of friendlies”.