Carlos Hernandez

Carlos Hernández Chulde | CTTC

Packet Optical Networks and Services (PONS)

Msc , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

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DRL for VNF placement in Inter-Data Center Elastic Optical Networks
2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2023 - Proceedings. January 2023.
Hernández-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Munoz, R
10.23919/OFC49934.2023.10116520 Google Scholar
Experimental evaluation of a latency-aware routing and spectrum assignment mechanism based on deep reinforcement learning
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 15. No. 11. pp. 925-937 January 2023.
Hernández-Chulde, C, Casellas, R, Martínez, R, Vilalta, R, Muñoz, R
10.1364/JOCN.499343 Google Scholar
VNF Placement Over Autonomic Elastic Optical Network via Deep Reinforcement Learning
IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 2023-May. pp. 422-427 January 2023.
Hernández-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R.
10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10278838 Google Scholar
Evaluation of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Restoration in Optical Networks
2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition, Ofc 2022 - Proceedings. January 2022.
Hernandez-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Munoz R.
Google Scholar
Latency-Aware Routing and Spectrum Assignment with Deep Reinforcement Learning
International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks DRCN. January 2022.
Hernandez-Chulde, C, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R
10.1109/DRCN53993.2022.9758014 Google Scholar
Evaluation of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Restoration in Optical Networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2022.
Hernández-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R.
Google Scholar
Assessment of a Latency-aware Routing and Spectrum Assignment Mechanism Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
2021 European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc 2021. January 2021.
Hernandez-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martinez R., Vilalta R., Munoz R.
10.1109/ECOC52684.2021.9605919 Google Scholar
Evaluation of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Restoration in Optical Networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. January 2016.
Hernández-Chulde C., Casellas R., Martínez R., Vilalta R., Muñoz R.
Google Scholar
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