Jesús Gómez-Vilardebó

Jesus Gómez Vilardebó | CTTC

Information and signal processing for intelligent communications (ISPIC)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00
Capacity of Noncoherent FSK with Doppler Frequency Uncertainty
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings. Vol. 2023-June. pp. 2338-2343 January 2023.
Gómez-Vilardebó J., Mestre X., Navarro M., Quintanilla J.
10.1109/ISIT54713.2023.10206962 Google Scholar
Bivariate Polynomial Codes for Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 40. No. 3. pp. 955-967 January 2022.
Hasirciolu B., Gomez-Vilardebo J., Gunduz D.
10.1109/JSAC.2022.3142355 Google Scholar
Non-Coherent Receiver Design for MFSK Modulations in Deep Space Missions
2022 9th International Workshop On Tracking, Telemetry And Command Systems For Space Applications, Ttc 2022. January 2022.
Gomez-Vilardebo J., Mestre X., Navarro M., Sevillano J.F., Abello R., Quintanilla J.
10.1109/TTC55771.2022.9975783 Google Scholar
Non-coherent Receivers for Low Data Rate Transmissions under Weak Solar Scintillation
2022 9th International Workshop On Tracking, Telemetry And Command Systems For Space Applications, Ttc 2022. January 2022.
Mestre X., Gomez J., Navarro M., Sevillano J.F., Abello R., Quintanilla J.
10.1109/TTC55771.2022.9975789 Google Scholar
On the Fundamental Limits of Coded Caching Systems with Restricted Demand Types
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 69. No. 2. pp. 863-873 January 2021.
Shao, S, Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Zhang, K, Tian, C
10.1109/TCOMM.2020.3038392 Google Scholar
Bivariate Polynomial Coding for Straggler Exploitation with Heterogeneous Workers
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings. Vol. 2020-June. pp. 251-256 January 2020.
Hasircioglu B., Gomez-Vilardebo J., Gunduz D.
10.1109/ISIT44484.2020.9174542 Google Scholar
Bivariate Hermitian Polynomial Coding for Efficient Distributed Matrix Multiplication
Ieee Global Communications Conference. January 2020.
Hasircioglu, Burak, Gomez-Vilardebo, Jesus, Gunduz, Deniz
10.1109/GLOBECOM42002.2020.9322629 Google Scholar
On the Fundamental Limit of Coded Caching Systems with a Single Demand Type
2019 Ieee Information Theory Workshop, Itw 2019. January 2019.
Shao S., Gomez-Vilardebo J., Zhang K., Tian C.
10.1109/ITW44776.2019.8989383 Google Scholar
Fundamental limits of caching: Improved rate-memory trade-off with coded prefetching
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 66. No. 10. pp. 4488-4497 May 2018.
J. Gómez-Vilardebó
Google Scholar
Fundamental limits of caching: Improved rate-memory tradeoff with coded prefetching
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 66. No. 10. pp. 4488-4497 January 2018.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J
10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2834364 Google Scholar
A Novel Centralized Coded Caching Scheme with Coded Prefetching
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 36. No. 6. pp. 1165-1175 January 2018.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J
10.1109/JSAC.2018.2844959 Google Scholar
A novel coded caching scheme with coded prefetching
2018 Ieee International Symposium On Information Theory (isit). pp. 2082-2086 January 2018.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J
Google Scholar
Fundamental Limits of Caching: Improved Rate-Memory Tradeoff with Coded Prefetching
IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 2018-May. January 2018.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J
10.1109/ICC.2018.8422962 Google Scholar
A Novel Coded Caching Scheme with Coded Prefetching
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings. Vol. 2018-June. pp. 2082-2086 January 2018.
Gomez-Vilardebo J.
10.1109/ISIT.2018.8437886 Google Scholar
Competitive Design of Energy Harvesting Communications in Wireless Fading Channels
IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING. Vol. 25. No. 6. pp. 3863-3872 January 2017.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J
10.1109/TNET.2017.2757515 Google Scholar
Routing in Accumulative Multi-Hop Networks
IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING. Vol. 25. No. 5. pp. 2815-2828 January 2017.
Gomez-Vilardebo J.
10.1109/TNET.2017.2703909 Google Scholar
Privacy-Cost Trade-offs in Demand-Side Management with Storage
Tan O., Gomez-Vilardebo J., Gunduz D.
10.1109/TIFS.2017.2656469 Google Scholar
Linear Transmission of Composite Gaussian Measurements over a Fading Channel under Delay Constraints
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 15. No. 6. pp. 4335-4347 January 2016.
Tan, O, Gunduz, D, Gomez-Vilardebo, J
10.1109/TWC.2016.2539961 Google Scholar
Wireless content caching for small cell and D2D networks
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 34. No. 5. pp. 1222-1234 January 2016.
Gregori, M, Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Matamoros, J, Gunduz, D
10.1109/JSAC.2016.2545413 Google Scholar
Online learning algorithms for wireless energy harvesting nodes
IEEE International Conference on Communications. January 2016.
Gregori, M, Gomez-Vilardebo, J
Google Scholar
Online learning algorithms for wireless energy harvesting nodes
2016 Ieee International Conference On Communications (icc). January 2016.
Gregori M., Gomez-Vilardebo J.
10.1109/ICC.2016.7511014 Google Scholar
Routing in accumulative multi-hop networks
IEEE INFOCOM. Vol. 26. pp. 1814-1821 January 2015.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J
10.1109/INFOCOM.2015.7218563 Google Scholar
Smart meter privacy for multiple users in the presence of an alternative energy source
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Gunduz, D
10.1109/TIFS.2014.2365365 Google Scholar
Joint Transmission and Caching Policy Design for Energy Minimization in the Wireless Backhaul Link
2015 Ieee International Symposium On Information Theory (isit). pp. 1004-1008 January 2015.
Gregori, M, Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Matamoros, J, Gunduz, D
Google Scholar
Delay constrained linear transmission of a mixture of Gaussian measurements over a fading channel
IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 2015-September. pp. 4107-4112 January 2015.
Tan, O, Gunduz, D, Vilardebo, JG
10.1109/ICC.2015.7248967 Google Scholar
Optimal Privacy-Cost Trade-off in Demand-Side Management with Storage
Ieee International Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications. pp. 370-374 January 2015.
Tan, O, Gunduz, D, Vilardebo, JG
Google Scholar
Optimal privacy-cost trade-off in demand-side management with storage
Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications, Spawc. Vol. 2015-August. pp. 370-374 January 2015.
Tan O., Gunduz D., Gomez Vilardebo J.
10.1109/SPAWC.2015.7227062 Google Scholar
Competitive design of energy harvesting communications in wireless fading channels
Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications, Spawc. Vol. 2015-August. pp. 11-15 January 2015.
Gomez-Vilardebo J.
10.1109/SPAWC.2015.7226990 Google Scholar
Joint transmission and caching policy design for energy minimization in the wireless backhaul link
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings. Vol. 2015-June. pp. 1004-1008 January 2015.
Gregori M., Gomez-Vilardebo J., Matamoros J., Gunduz D.
10.1109/ISIT.2015.7282606 Google Scholar
Competitive Design of Energy Harvesting Communications in Wireless Fading Channels
Ieee International Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications. pp. 11-15 January 2015.
Gómez-Vilardebò, J
Google Scholar
Competitive design of power allocation strategies for energy harvesting wireless communication systems
2014 Ieee Global Conference On Signal And Information Processing (globalsip). pp. 123-127 January 2014.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J
10.1109/GlobalSIP.2014.7032091 Google Scholar
Delay Constrained Linear Transmission of Random State Measurements
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 53-56 January 2014.
Tan, O, Gunduz, D, Vilardebo, JG
Google Scholar
Competitive analysis of energy harvesting wireless communication systems
20th European Wireless Conference, Ew 2014. pp. 64-69 January 2014.
Gomez-Vilardebo J., Gündüz D.
Google Scholar
Heuristic routing algorithms for minimum energy cooperative multi-hop wireless networks
20th European Wireless Conference, Ew 2014. pp. 1010-1014 January 2014.
Gómez-Vilardebó J.
Google Scholar
Smart Meter Privacy for Multiple Users in the Presence of an Alternative Energy Source
Ieee Global Conference On Signal And Information Processing. pp. 859-862 January 2013.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Gunduz, D
Google Scholar
Privacy of Smart Meter Systems with an Alternative Energy Source
2013 Ieee International Symposium On Information Theory Proceedings (isit). pp. 2572- January 2013.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Gunduz, D
Google Scholar
Smart meter privacy in the presence of an alternative energy source
IEEE International Conference on Communications. pp. 2027-2031 January 2013.
Gunduz, D, Gomez-Vilardebo, J
10.1109/ICC.2013.6654823 Google Scholar
Information Theoretic Privacy for Smart Meters
2013 Information Theory And Applications Workshop (ita). January 2013.
Gunduz, D, Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Tan, O, Poor, HV
Google Scholar
Privacy of smart meter systems with an alternative energy source
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings. pp. 2572-2576 January 2013.
Gomez-Vilardebo J., Gunduz D.
10.1109/ISIT.2013.6620691 Google Scholar
Optimal minimum energy routing for cooperative multi-hop wireless networks
Ieee International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications, Pimrc. pp. 2260-2264 January 2013.
Gómez-Vilardebó J.
10.1109/PIMRC.2013.6666520 Google Scholar
Smart meter privacy for multiple users in the presence of an alternative energy source
2013 Ieee Global Conference On Signal And Information Processing (globalsip). pp. 859-862 January 2013.
Gomez-Vilardebo J., Gunduz D.
10.1109/GlobalSIP.2013.6737027 Google Scholar
High-Throughput Multi-Source Cooperation via Complex-Field Network Coding
Li, GB, Cano, A, Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Giannakis, GB, Perez-Neira, AI
10.1109/TWC.2011.030911.101077 Google Scholar
MIMO channel modeling and transmission techniques for multi-satellite and hybrid satellite-terrestrial mobile networks
Physical Communication. Vol. 4. No. 2. pp. 127-139 January 2011.
Pérez-Neira A.I., Ibars C., Serra J., del Coso A., Gómez-Vilardebó J., Caus M., Liolis K.P.
10.1016/j.phycom.2011.04.001 Google Scholar
Statistical Modeling of Dual-Polarized MIMO Land Mobile Satellite Channels
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 58. No. 11. pp. 3077-3083 November 2010.
Liolis, KP, Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Casini, E, Perez-Neira, AI
10.1109/TCOMM.2010.091710.090507 Google Scholar
Energy Efficient Communications over the AWGN Relay Channel
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Perez-Neira, AI, Najar, M
10.1109/TWC.2010.01.081581 Google Scholar
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 2633- January 2009.
Cano, A, Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Perez-Neira, AI, Giannakis, GG
10.1109/ICASSP.2009.4960163 Google Scholar
The energy efficiency of the ergodic fading relay channel
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 130-134 January 2009.
Gómez-Vilardebó J., Pérez-Neira A.I.
Google Scholar
On the statistical modeling of MIMO land mobile satellite channels: A consolidated approach
Iet Conference Publications. January 2009.
Liolis K.P., Gómez-Vilardebó J., Casini E., Pérez-Neira A.
10.1049/cp.2009.1193 Google Scholar
Bounds on Maximum Rate-Per-Energy for Orthogonal AWGN Multiple-Relay Channels
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 7. No. 11. pp. 4238-4247 November 2008.
Vilardebo, JG, Perez-Neira, AI
10.1109/T-WC.2008.070486 Google Scholar
Duplexing and Synchronism for Energy Efficient Communication over a Relay Channel
2008 Ieee International Symposium On Information Theory Proceedings, Vols 1-6. pp. 1313- January 2008.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Perez-Neira, AI
10.1109/ISIT.2008.4595200 Google Scholar
2008 Ieee 9th Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications, Vols 1 And 2. pp. 451- January 2008.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Perez-Neira, AI
10.1109/SPAWC.2008.4641648 Google Scholar
Bounds on Maximum Rate-Per-Unit-Energy for Networks with Regenerative Relays
Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference (globecom). pp. 3863- January 2007.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Perez-Neira, AI
Google Scholar
Bounds on maximum rate-per-unit-energy for networks with regenerative relays
Globecom - Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference. pp. 3863-3867 January 2007.
Gómez-Vilardebó J., Pérez-Neira A.I.
10.1109/GLOCOM.2007.734 Google Scholar
An achievable rate per unit energy for multiple relay networks
Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications, Spawc. January 2007.
Gómez-Vilardebó J., Pérez-Neira A.I.
10.1109/spawc.2007.4401366 Google Scholar
Optimal energy allocation, relay selection and ordering in orthogonal relay networks
3rd International Symposium On Wireless Communication Systems 2006, Iswcs'06. pp. 587-591 January 2006.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Perez-Neira, AI
10.1109/ISWCS.2006.4362367 Google Scholar
Average rate behavior for cooperative diversity in wireless networks
Ieee International Symposium On Circuits And Systems. pp. 5399- January 2006.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Perez-Neira, AI, Lagunas, MA
10.1109/ISCAS.2006.1693854 Google Scholar
Energy allocation, relay selection and ordering in orthogonal relay networks
Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers. pp. 196-200 January 2006.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Perez-Neira, AI
10.1109/ACSSC.2006.356614 Google Scholar
Upper bound on outage capacity of orthogonal relay networks
2006 Ieee 7th Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications, Vols 1 And 2. pp. 348-352 January 2006.
Gomez-Vilardebo, J, Perez-Neira, AI
Google Scholar
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