

Mercè Carrasco | CTTC

General Administrator

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Mercè has a postgraduate degree in management control from EADA, a degree in business administration and management from UOC and a diploma in business sciences from UOC. She is currently pursuing a MSc in Public Management by EAPC – the School of Public Administration of Catalonia.

She has more than 15 years of experience in the management of entities of the public sector of the Generalitat de Catalunya, first as a consultant in an auditing firm advising public research centers and non-profit organizations, and later in the direct management of the activities of research centers.

In 2009 she joined the Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences (IC3), a center for basic research on climate, founded by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the University of Barcelona, ​​belonging to the Catalan research system CERCA. Since the institution was created in late 2008, she was in charge of establishing the newly created economic department of the entity, defining policies, processes and procedures, along with the implantation of new tools to support the research activity of the institution.

At the beginning of 2012 she was appointed as Financial Director by the Board of Trustees. Her functions as administrative director of the institution included: supervising the activities of the areas of project management, HR, economic management, IT, and administration, reporting directly to the BoT of the institution.

In November 2016 she was appointed General Administrator of the Technological Center of Telecommunications of Catalonia (CTTC). Her tasks and responsibilities at CTTC include:

-leading, implementing and supervising the activities of the administrative support team of the center (Economic Management, HR, Project Management, Administration, Logistics, IT).

-formulating the CTTC annual budget for the approval by the Board of Trustees. Executing and controlling the approved budget, reporting and presentation of relevant economic information.

-providing support to the director on implementing the strategic plan to meet all CTTC’s goals. Liaising with the Board of Trustees and government institutions.

-leading the definition, improvement, and implementation for administrative policies, processes, and tools.

-ensuring compliance with all legal and tax regulations applicable to the institution.

-administrating and safeguarding all the assets of the institution (both tangible and intangible, including facilities and equipment).

Promoting and implementing new initiatives to the direction, to improve the working environment, energy efficiency, CSR, ICT, and others.