Nikolaos Bartzoudis

Nikolaos Bartzoudis |CTTC

Adaptive Processing Technologies (ADAPT)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00
FPGA Implementation of a Linearization System for Wideband Envelope Tracking Power Amplifiers
Li W., Bartzoudis N., Fernandez, JR, López-Bueno D., Montoro G., Gilabert P.L.
10.1109/TMTT.2022.3217842 Google Scholar
AI-powered Edge Computing Evolution for Beyond 5G Communication Networks
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 478-483 January 2023.
Kartsakli, E, Perez-Romero, J, Sallent, O, Bartzoudis, N, Frascolla, V, Mohalik, SK, Metsch, T, Antonopoulos, A, Tuna, OF, Deng, Y, Tao, X, Serrano, MA, Quinones, E
10.1109/EUCNC/6GSUMMIT58263.2023.10188371 Google Scholar
NSFaaS: Network Slice Federation as a Service in Cloud-Native 5G and Beyond Mobile Networks
2023 Ieee Conference On Network Function Virtualization And Software Defined Networks, Nfv-Sdn 2023 - Proceedings. pp. 59-64 January 2023.
Dalgitsis M., Cadenelli N., Serrano M.A., Bartzoudis N., Alonso L., Antonopoulos A.
10.1109/NFV-SDN59219.2023.10329748 Google Scholar
Slow-Envelope Shaping Function FPGA Implementation for 5G NR Envelope Tracking PA
2022 International Workshop On Integrated Nonlinear Microwave And Millimetre-Wave Circuits, Inmmic 2022 - Proceedings. January 2022.
Li W., Bartzoudis N., Fernandez J.R., Lopez-Bueno D., Montoro G., Gilabert P.
10.1109/INMMiC54248.2022.9762194 Google Scholar
A Federated DRL Approach for Smart Micro-Grid Energy Control with Distributed Energy Resources
IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks. Vol. 2022-November. pp. 108-114 January 2022.
Rezazadeh F., Bartzoudis N.
10.1109/CAMAD55695.2022.9966919 Google Scholar
Technologies for emergency rollout of broadband public protection and disaster relief (BB-PPDR) communications in humanitarian crisis zones
Information and Communication Technologies for Humanitarian Services. pp. 215-246 January 2020.
López-Bueno, D., Bartzoudis, N., Font-Bach, O., Caus, M., Gilabert, P., Montoro, G.
Google Scholar
Technologies for emergency rollout of broadband public protection and disaster relief (BB-PPDR) communications in humanitarian crisis zones
Information And Communication Technologies For Humanitarian Services. Vol. 89. pp. 215-246 January 2020.
Lopez-Bueno, David, Bartzoudis, Nikolaos, Font-Bach, Oriol, Caus, Marius, Gilabert, Pere, Montoro, Gabriel
Google Scholar
Design, implementation and experimental validation of a 5G energy-aware reconfigurable hotspot
COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 128. pp. 1-17 January 2018.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Miozzo, M, Donato, C, Harbanau, P, Requena-Esteso, M, Lopez-Bueno, D, Serrano, P, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Payaro, M
10.1016/j.comcom.2018.06.008 Google Scholar
SDR and NFV extensions in the ns-3 LTE module for 5G rapid prototyping
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Vol. 2018-April. pp. 1-6 January 2018.
Miozzo, M, Bartzoudis, N, Requena, M, Font-Bach, O, Harbanau, P, Lopez-Bueno, D, Payaro, M, Mangues, J
10.1109/WCNC.2018.8377237 Google Scholar
Designing the 5G network infrastructure: a flexible and reconfigurable architecture based on context and content information
Sabella D., Serrano P., Stea G., Virdis A., Tinnirello I., Giuliano F., Garlisi D., Vlacheas P., Demestichas P., Foteinos V., Bartzoudis N., Payaró M.
10.1186/s13638-018-1215-1 Google Scholar
A Flexible and Reconfigurable 5G Networking Architecture Based on Context and Content Information
European Conference On Networks And Communications. January 2017.
Sabella, D, Serrano, P, Stea, G, Virdis, A, Tinnirello, I, Giuliano, F, Garlisi, D, Vlacheas, P, Demestichas, P, Foteinos, V, Bartzoudis, N, Payaro, M, Medela, A
Google Scholar
The 5G candidate waveform race: a comparison of complexity and performance
Gerzaguet R., Bartzoudis N., Baltar L.G., Berg V., Doré J.-B., Kténas D., Font-Bach O., Mestre X., Payaró M., Färber M., Roth K.
10.1186/s13638-016-0792-0 Google Scholar
Energy footprint reduction in 5G reconfigurable hotspots via function partitioning and bandwidth adaptation
2017 5th International Workshop On Cloud Technologies And Energy Efficiency In Mobile Communication Networks, Cleen 2017. January 2017.
Bartzoudis N., Font-Bach O., Miozzo M., Donato C., Harbanau P., Requena M., Lopez D., Ucar I., Salona A.A., Serrano P., Mangues J., Payaro M.
10.23919/CLEEN.2017.8045934 Google Scholar
Real-time implementation and experimental validation of a DL FBMC system
Orthogonal Waveforms and Filter Banks for Future Communication Systems. January 2017.
O. Font-Bach, N. Bartzoudis, D. López-Bueno, X. Mestre, P. Mêge, L. Martinod, T. André Myrvoll, V. Ringset
Google Scholar
Real-Time Implementation and Experimental Validation of a DL FBMC System
Orthogonal Waveforms And Filter Banks For Future Communication Systems. pp. 513-546 January 2017.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Bueno, DL, Mestre, X, Mège, P, Martinod, L, Myrvoll, TA, Ringset, V
10.1016/B978-0-12-810384-5.00020-7 Google Scholar
A flexible and reconfigurable 5G networking architecture based on context and content information
2017 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2017.
Sabella D., Serrano P., Stea G., Virdis A., Tinnirello I., Giuliano F., Garlisi D., Vlacheas P., Demestichas P., Foteinos V., Bartzoudis N., Payaro M., Medela A.
10.1109/EuCNC.2017.7980669 Google Scholar
Flex5Gware: Flexible and efficient hardware and software platforms for 5G network elements and devices
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. Vol. 27. No. 9. pp. 1242-1249 January 2016.
Payaro, M, Farber, M, Vlacheas, P, Bartzoudis, N, Tillman, F, Ferling, D, Berg, V, Rautio, T, Serrano, P, Sabella, D
10.1002/ett.3070 Google Scholar
The CTTC 5G End-to-End Experimental Platform: Integrating Heterogeneous Wireless/Optical Networks, Distributed Cloud, and IoT Devices
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. Vol. 11. No. 1. pp. 50-63 January 2016.
Munoz, R, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Vilalta, R, Verikoukis, C, Alonso-Zarate, J, Bartzoudis, N, Georgiadis, A, Payaro, M, Perez-Neira, A, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Nunez-Martnez, J, Esteso, MR, Pubill, D, Font-Bach, O, Henarejos, P, Serra, J, Vazquez-Gallego, F
10.1109/MVT.2015.2508320 Google Scholar
When SDR meets a 5G candidate waveform: providing efficient use of fragmented spectrum and interference protection for PMR networks
IEEE Wireless Communications. Vol. 22. No. 6. pp. 56-66 December 2015.
O. Font-Bach, N. Bartzoudis, X. Mestre, D. López-Bueno, P. Mege, L. Martinod, V. Ringset, T. André Myrvoll
Google Scholar
When SDR meets a 5G candidate waveform: Agile use of fragmented spectrum and interference protection in PMR networks
IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 22. No. 6. pp. 56-66 January 2015.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Mestre, X, Lopez-Bueno, D, Mege, P, Martinod, L, Ringset, V, Myrvoll, TA
10.1109/MWC.2015.7368825 Google Scholar
Interference management in LTE-based HetNets: A practical approach
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. Vol. 26. No. 2. pp. 195-215 January 2015.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Pascual-Iserte, A, Payaro, M, Blanco, L, Bueno, DL, Molina, M
10.1002/ett.2833 Google Scholar
Implementation and performance evaluation of an FBMC-based PMR system for broadband PPDR applications
2015 12th International Symposium On Wireless Communication Systems (iswcs). January 2015.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Lopez, D, Payaro, M
Google Scholar
Experimental performance evaluation of a 5G spectrum sharing scenario based on field-measured channels
2015 Ieee 26th Annual International Symposium On Personal, Indoor, And Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc). Vol. 2015-December. pp. 856-861 January 2015.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Lopez, D, Vinogradov, E, Payaro, M, Oestges, C, Myrvoll, TA, Ringset, V
10.1109/PIMRC.2015.7343417 Google Scholar
Implementation and performance evaluation of an FBMC-based PMR system for broadband PPDR applications
International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems. Vol. 2016-April. pp. 576-580 January 2015.
Font-Bach O., Bartzoudis N., López D., Payaró M.
10.1109/ISWCS.2015.7454411 Google Scholar
Energy Profiling of FPGA-based PHY-layer Building Blocks Encountered in Modern Wireless Communication Systems
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 337-340 January 2014.
Bartzoudis, N, Font-Bach, O, Payaro, M, Pascual-Iserte, A, Rubio, J, Fernandez, JJG, Armada, AG
Google Scholar
Measuring the performance of a distributed interference management scheme in a LTE-based HetNet deployment
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 357-360 January 2014.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Payaro, M, Pascual-Iserte, A
Google Scholar
Peak Cancellation and Digital Predistortion of High-Order QAM Wideband Signals for Next Generation Wireless Backhaul Equipment
2014 International Workshop On Integrated Nonlinear Microwave And Millimetre-Wave Circuits (inmmic). January 2014.
Lopez, D, Gilabert, PL, Montoro, G, Bartzoudis, N
Google Scholar
Asymptotic analysis of multiuser-MIMO networks with battery-constrained receivers
20th European Wireless Conference, Ew 2014. pp. 1004-1009 January 2014.
Rubio J., Pascual-Iserte A., Fernández J.J.G., Armada A.G., Font-Bach O., Bartzoudis N.
Google Scholar
Adaptive block diagonalization and user scheduling with out of cluster interference
20th European Wireless Conference, Ew 2014. pp. 238-243 January 2014.
Fernández J.J.G., Armada A.G., Rubio J., Pascual-Iserte A., Font-Bach O., Bartzoudis N.
Google Scholar
Energy profiling of FPGA-based PHY-layer building blocks encountered in modern wireless communication systems
Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 337-340 January 2014.
Bartzoudis N., Font-Bach O., Payaro M., Pascual-Iserte A., Rubio J., Fernandez J.J.G., Armada A.G.
10.1109/SAM.2014.6882410 Google Scholar
Measuring the performance of a distributed interference management scheme in a LTE-based HetNet deployment
Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 357-360 January 2014.
Font-Bach O., Bartzoudis N., Payaró M., Pascual-Iserte A.
10.1109/SAM.2014.6882415 Google Scholar
International Conference On Field Programmable And Logic Applications. January 2013.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Payaro, M, Pascual-Iserte, A
Google Scholar
Order reduction of wideband digital predistorters using principal component analysis
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. January 2013.
Gilabert, PL, Montoro, G, Lopez, D, Bartzoudis, N, Bertran, E, Payar, M, Hourtane, A
10.1109/MWSYM.2013.6697687 Google Scholar
A real-time FPGA-based implementation of a high-performance MIMO-OFDM transceiver featuring a closed-loop communication scheme
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications. pp. 100-107 January 2012.
Font-Bach O., Bartzoudis N., Pascual-Iserte A., López Bueno D.
10.1109/WiMOB.2012.6379060 Google Scholar
A real-time MIMO-OFDM mobile WiMAX receiver: Architecture, design and FPGA implementation
COMPUTER NETWORKS. Vol. 55. No. 16. pp. 3634-3647 November 2011.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Pascual-Iserte, A, Bueno, DL
10.1016/j.comnet.2011.02.018 Google Scholar
A real-time FPGA-based mobile WiMAX transceiver supporting multi-antenna configurations
2011 Argentine School Of Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology And Applications, Eamta 2011. pp. 46-51 January 2011.
Bartzoudis N., Font-Bach O., Pascual-Iserte A., Bueno D.L.
Google Scholar
Prototyping processing-demanding physical layer systems featuring single or multi-antenna schemes
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 1504-1508 January 2011.
Font-Bach O., Bartzoudis N., Pascual-Iserte A., López Bueno D.
Google Scholar
Dynamic scheduling of test routines for efficient online self-testing of embedded microprocessors
Ieee International On-Line Testing Symposium. pp. 185- January 2008.
Bartzoudis, N, Tantsios, V, McDonald-Maier, K
10.1109/IOLTS.2008.55 Google Scholar
Constraint-based test-scheduling of embedded microprocessors
Proceedings Of The Argentine School Of Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology And Applications 2008, Eamta. pp. 29-32 January 2008.
Bartzoudis N., Tantsios V., McDonald-Maier K.
Google Scholar
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