End: 31/01/2023
Funding: European
Status: Completed
Geomatics (GM)
Call ID: H2020-ICT-2018-3
Code: 856691
The 5G-Solutions project aims to prove in the field that the 5G capabilities provide ubiquitous access to a wide range of forward-looking applications and services with orders of magnitude of improvement over the current technology and infrastructure, thus bringing the 5G vision closer to fulfillment. This will be achieved through conducting advanced field trials of innovative use cases, directly involving end-users across four most plausible industry vertical domains:
- Factories of the Future
- Energy
- Smart City & Port
- Media & Entertainment
These compelling field trials will be used to validate both the technological as well as the business aspects of 5G for increased resilience, coverage and continuity, higher resource efficiency with concurrent usage by multiple verticals, boosted capacity and greater reliability. 5G-SOLUTIONS is in direct support of 5G-PPP’s aspiration to see new connected digital markets, and it contributes to the EC’s broader industry digitisation and policy objectives in support of the Digital Single Market and maintaining Europe’s leadership position in mobile telecommunications.