End: 31/12/2017
Funding: European
Status: Completed
Remote Sensing (RSE)
Acronym: SAFETY
Code: ECHO/SUB/2015/718679/PREV02
The project Safety aims to provide the Civil Protection Authorities (CPA) with the capability of periodically monitor and assess the impact of geohazards (volcanos, earthquakes, landslides and subsidence) on urban areas and infrastructures. This objective will be based on three key pillars: (I) the performances of the new spaceborne SAR sensor Sentinel-1, both in terms of wide area coverage and high temporal repeatability; (2) the development of a free software tools that can fully exploit Sentinel-1 SAR data to periodically detect and monitor ground deformations at regional scale; and (3) the exploitation of FP7 LAMPRE project developed software tools and methods to assess geohazards susceptibility and their impact on urban structures and infrastructures.