
Optical Performance Monitoring Systems in Disaggregated Optical Networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol 2018-July. January 2018.
Fabrega, JM, Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L
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Integrated OAM and Transport SDN Architecture for Automatic and Dynamic Restoration of Signal-Degraded Connections within Flexi-Grid Optical Networks
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol 2018-July. January 2018.
Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Vilchez, FJ, Nadal, L, Svaluto-Moreolo, M, Villafranca, A, Sevillano, P
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Network slicing resource allocation and monitoring over multiple clouds and networks
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). pp. 1-2 January 2018.
Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Fei, L, Tang, PC, Lopez, V
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Experimental SDN control solutions for automatic operations and management of 5G services in a fixed mobile converged packet-optical network
22nd International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm 2018). pp. 214-219 January 2018.
Martinez, R, Vilalta, R, Requena, M, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Mangues, J
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SDN Control and Monitoring of SDM/WDM and Packet Transport Networks for 5G Fronthaul/Backhaul
2018 Ieee Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (sum). pp. 151-152 January 2018.
Munoz, R, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Moreolo, MS, Martinez, R, Casellas, R, Yoshikane, N, Tsuritani, T, Morita, I
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Hierarchical and Recursive NFV Service Platform for End-to-End Network Service Orchestration Across Multiple NFVI Domains
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. Vol 2018-July. January 2018.
Munoz, R, Vilalta, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Vicens, F, Martrat, J, Lopez, V, Lopez, D
10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473616 Google Scholar
5GTANGO: A Beyond-MANO Service Platform
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 26-30 January 2018.
Parada, C, Bonnet, J, Fotopoulou, E, Zafeiropoulos, A, Kapassa, E, Touloupou, M, Kyriazis, D, Vilalta, R, Munoz, R, Casellas, R, Martinez, R, Xilouris, G
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Modular SDN-enabled S-BVT Adopting Widely Tunable MEMS VCSEL for Flexible/Elastic Optical Metro Networks
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). January 2018.
Moreolo, MS, Nadal, L, Fabrega, JM, Vilchez, FJ, Casellas, R, Munoz, R, Neumeyr, C, Gatto, A, Parolari, P, Boffi, P
Google Scholar
Exploring the potential of VCSEL technology for agile and high capacity optical metro networks
22nd International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm 2018). pp. 254-259 January 2018.
Moreolo, MS, Fabrega, JM, Nadal, L, Vilchez, FJ
10.23919/ONDM.2018.8396141 Google Scholar