Sandra Lagén

Sandra Lagén | CTTC

Open Simulations (OpenSim)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00
Fronthaul-Aware Scheduling Strategies for Dynamic Modulation Compression in Next Generation RANs
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING. Vol. 22. No. 5. pp. 2725-2740 January 2023.
Lagen S., Gelabert X., Giupponi L., Hansson A.
10.1109/TMC.2021.3128700 Google Scholar
System analysis of QoS schedulers for XR traffic in 5G NR
Koutlia K., Bojovic B., Lagén S., Zhang X., Wang P., Liu J.
10.1016/j.simpat.2023.102745 Google Scholar
An open-source implementation and validation of 5G NR configured grant for URLLC in ns-3 5G LENA: A scheduling case study in industry 4.0 scenarios
Larrañaga A., Lucas-Estañ M.C., Lagén S., Ali Z., Martinez I., Gozalvez J.
10.1016/j.jnca.2023.103638 Google Scholar
Enhancing 5G QoS Management for XR Traffic Through XR Loopback Mechanism
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 41. No. 6. pp. 1772-1786 January 2023.
Bojovic B., Lagen S., Koutlia K., Zhang X., Wang P., Yu L.
10.1109/JSAC.2023.3273701 Google Scholar
Deep Attention Recognition for Attack Identification in 5G UAV scenarios: Novel Architecture and End-to-End Evaluation
Viana J., Farkhari H., Sebastiao P., Campos L.M., Koutlia K., Bojovic B., Lagen S., Dinis R.
10.1109/TVT.2023.3302814 Google Scholar
Enabling QoS Provisioning Support for Delay-Critical Traffic and Multi-Flow Handling in ns-3 5G-LENA
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 45-51 January 2023.
Koutlia K., Lagen S., Bojovic B.
10.1145/3592149.3592159 Google Scholar
Improving the Efficiency of MIMO Simulations in ns-3
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 1-9 January 2023.
Pagin M., Lagén S., Bojovic B., Polese M., Zorzi M.
10.1145/3592149.3592167 Google Scholar
Calibration of the 5G-LENA system level simulator in 3GPP reference scenarios
Koutlia, K, Bojovic, B, Ali, Z, Lagen, S
10.1016/j.simpat.2022.102580 Google Scholar
Enabling NGMN Mixed Traffic Models for ns-3
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 127-134 January 2022.
Bojovic B., Lagen S.
10.1145/3532577.3532602 Google Scholar
ns-3 and 5G-LENA Extensions to Support Dual-Polarized MIMO
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 1-9 January 2022.
Bojovic B., Ali Z., Lagen S.
10.1145/3532577.3532595 Google Scholar
Fronthaul Compression Control for Shared Fronthaul Access Networks
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 60. No. 10. pp. 36-42 January 2022.
Lagen, S., Gelabert, X., Hansson, A., Requena, M., Giupponi, L.
10.1109/MCOM.001.2100959 Google Scholar
A Convolutional Attention Based Deep Learning Solution for 5G UAV Network Attack Recognition over Fading Channels and Interference
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2022-September. January 2022.
Viana J., Farkhari H., Campos L.M., Sebastiao P., Koutlia K., Lagen S., Bernardo L., Dinis R.
10.1109/VTC2022-Fall57202.2022.10012726 Google Scholar
Novel radio environment map for the ns-3 NR simulator
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 41-48 January 2021.
Koutlia K., Bojovic B., Lagén S., Giupponi L.
10.1145/3460797.3460803 Google Scholar
Extending the ns-3 spatial channel model for vehicular scenarios
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 25-32 January 2021.
Zugno T., Drago M., Lagén S., Ali Z., Zorzi M.
10.1145/3460797.3460801 Google Scholar
Realistic beamforming design using SRS-based channel estimate for ns-3 5G-LENA module
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 81-87 January 2021.
Bojovic B., Lagén S., Giupponi L.
10.1145/3460797.3460809 Google Scholar
3GPP NR V2X Mode 2: Overview, Models and System-Level Evaluation
IEEE Access. Vol. 9. pp. 89554-89579 January 2021.
Ali, Z, Lagen, S, Giupponi, L, Rouil, R
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3090855 Google Scholar
Modulation compression in next generation RAN: Air interface and fronthaul trade-offs
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 59. No. 1. pp. 89-95 January 2021.
Lagen, S, Giupponi, L, Hansson, A, Gelabert, X
10.1109/MCOM.001.2000453 Google Scholar
Semi-Static Modulation Compression Optimization for Next Generation RANs
IEEE International Conference on Communications. January 2021.
Lagen, S, Gelabert, X, Giupponi, L, Hansson, A
10.1109/ICC42927.2021.9500626 Google Scholar
Fronthaul-Aware Scheduling Strategies for Next Generation RANs
2021 Ieee Global Communications Conference, Globecom 2021 - Proceedings. January 2021.
Lagen S., Gelabert X., Giupponi L., Hansson A.
10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9685992 Google Scholar
On the impact of numerology in NR V2X Mode 2 with sensing and random resource selection
IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference. Vol. 2021-November. pp. 151-157 January 2021.
Ali, Z, Lagen, S, Giupponi, L
10.1109/VNC52810.2021.9644618 Google Scholar
New Radio Beam-Based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum: Design Challenges and Solutions
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. Vol. 22. No. 1. pp. 8-37 January 2020.
Lagen, S., Giupponi, L., Goyal, S., Patriciello, N., Bojovic, B., Demir, A., Beluri, M.
10.1109/COMST.2019.2949145 Google Scholar
NR-U and IEEE 802.11 technologies coexistence in unlicensed mmWave spectrum: Models and evaluation
IEEE Access. Vol. 8. pp. 71254-71271 January 2020.
Patriciello, N., Lagen, S., Bojovic, B., Giupponi, L.
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2987467 Google Scholar
Wake-Up Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Mobile Devices
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 19. No. 9. pp. 6020-6036 January 2020.
Rostami, S., Trinh, H.D., Lagen, S., Costa, M., Valkama, M., Dini, P.
10.1109/TWC.2020.2999339 Google Scholar
Proactive Wake-up Scheduler based on Recurrent Neural Networks
IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 2020-June. January 2020.
Rostami, S., Trinh, H.D., Lagen, S., Costa, M., Valkama, M., Dini, P.
10.1109/ICC40277.2020.9148671 Google Scholar
New Radio Physical Layer Abstraction for System-Level Simulations of 5G Networks
IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 2020-June. January 2020.
Lagen, S., Wanuga, K., Elkotby, H., Goyal, S., Patriciello, N., Giupponi, L.
10.1109/ICC40277.2020.9149444 Google Scholar
Cellular and Wi-Fi in unlicensed spectrum: Competition leading to convergence
2nd 6g Wireless Summit 2020: Gain Edge For The 6g Era, 6g Summit 2020. January 2020.
Lagen, Sandra, Patriciello, Natale, Giupponi, Lorenza
10.1109/6GSUMMIT49458.2020.9083786 Google Scholar
Wake-Up Radio Based Access in 5G under Delay Constraints: Modeling and Optimization
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 68. No. 2. pp. 1044-1057 January 2020.
Rostami, S., Lagen, S., Costa, M., Valkama, M., Dini, P.
10.1109/TCOMM.2019.2954389 Google Scholar
An E2E simulator for 5G NR networks
Patriciello, N, Lagen, S, Bojovic, B, Giupponi, L
10.1016/j.simpat.2019.101933 Google Scholar
The impact of NR scheduling timings on end-to-end delay for uplink traffic
2019 Ieee Global Communications Conference (globecom). January 2019.
Patriciello N., Lagen S., Giupponi L., Bojovic B.
10.1109/GLOBECOM38437.2019.9013231 Google Scholar
Optimized wake-up scheme with bounded delay for energy-efficient MTC
2019 Ieee Global Communications Conference (globecom). January 2019.
Rostami S., Lagen S., Costa M., DIni P., Valkama M.
10.1109/GLOBECOM38437.2019.9013534 Google Scholar
An improved MAC layer for the 5G NR ns-3 module
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 41-48 January 2019.
Patriciello N., Lagen S., Giupponi L., Bojovic B.
10.1145/3321349.3321350 Google Scholar
Efficient Use of the Spectrum in Small Cell Deployments for 5G Wireless Communications Networks
Frontiers in Science and Engineering. Vol. 7. No. 1. February 2018.
S. Lagen, A. Agustin, J. Vidal
Google Scholar
Performance analysis of feedback-free collision resolution NDMA protocol
Lagen, S, Agustin, A, Vidal, J, Garcia, J
10.1186/s13638-018-1049-x Google Scholar
Implementation and evaluation of frequency division multiplexing of numerologies for 5G new radio in ns-3
Workshop On Network Simulator (ns)-3 (wns3 2018). pp. 37-44 January 2018.
Bojovic, B, Lagen, S, Giupponi, L, Assoc Comp Machinery
10.1145/3199902.3199905 Google Scholar
Paired Listen Before Talk for multi-RAT Coexistence in Unlicensed mmWave Bands
Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops. January 2018.
Lagen, S, Giupponi, L, Bojovic, B, Demir, A, Beluri, M
Google Scholar
Listen before receive for coexistence in unlicensed mmWave bands
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Vol. 2018-April. pp. 1-6 January 2018.
Lagen, S, Giupponi, L
10.1109/WCNC.2018.8377293 Google Scholar
5G New Radio Numerologies and their Impact on the End-To-End Latency
IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks. Vol. 2018-September. pp. 44-49 January 2018.
Patriciello, N, Lagen, S, Giupponi, L, Bojovic, B
10.1109/CAMAD.2018.8514979 Google Scholar
LBT Switching Procedures for New Radio-Based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum
2018 Ieee Globecom Workshops (gc Wkshps). January 2018.
Lagen S., Giupponi L., Patriciello N.
10.1109/GLOCOMW.2018.8644176 Google Scholar
Subband Configuration Optimization for Multiplexing of Numerologies in 5G TDD New Radio
2018 Ieee 29th Annual International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc). Vol. 2018-September. January 2018.
Lagen S., Bojovic B., Goyal S., Giupponi L., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1109/PIMRC.2018.8580813 Google Scholar
Paired listen before talk for multi-RAT coexistence in unlicensed mmWave Bands
2018 Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops (icc Workshops). pp. 1-6 January 2018.
Lagen S., Giupponi L., Bojovic B., Demir A., Beluri M.
10.1109/ICCW.2018.8403586 Google Scholar
Energy Efficiency in Latency-Constrained Application Offloading from Mobile Clients to Multiple Virtual Machines
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 66. No. 4. pp. 1065-1079 January 2018.
Lagen S., Pascual-Iserte A., Munoz O., Vidal J.
10.1109/TSP.2017.2778692 Google Scholar
LBT Switching Procedures for New Radio-based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum
Ieee Globecom Workshops. January 2018.
Lagen, S, Giupponi, L, Patriciello, N
Google Scholar
On the Superiority of Improper Gaussian Signaling in Wireless Interference MIMO Scenarios
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 64. No. 8. pp. 3350-3368 August 2016.
S. Lagen, A. Agustin, J. Vidal
10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2584601 Google Scholar
Coexisting Linear and Widely Linear Transceivers in the MIMO Interference Channel
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 64. No. 3. pp. 652-664 February 2016.
S. Lagen, A. Agustin, J. Vidal
Google Scholar
Decentralized Coordinated Precoding for Dense TDD Small Cell Networks
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Vol. 14. No. 8. pp. 4546-4561 August 2015.
S. Lagen, A. Agustin, J. Vidal
Google Scholar
Network-MIMO for downlink in-band relay transmissions
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. February 2013.
S. Lagen, A. Agustin, J. Vidal
Google Scholar
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