Marco Miozzo


Sustainable Artificial Intelligence (SAI)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00
LENA - LENA N-2010-10-11
Urban Traffic Forecasting using Federated and Continual Learning
Proceedings - 2023 6th Conference On Cloud And Internet Of Things, Ciot 2023. pp. 1-8 January 2023.
Lanza C., Angelats E., Miozzo M., Dini P.
10.1109/CIoT57267.2023.10084875 Google Scholar
The Cost of Training Machine Learning Models Over Distributed Data Sources
Ieee Open Journal Of The Communications Society. Vol. 4. pp. 1111-1126 January 2023.
Guerra E., Wilhelmi F., Miozzo M., Dini P.
10.1109/OJCOMS.2023.3274394 Google Scholar
Towards Energy-Aware Federated Traffic Prediction for Cellular Networks
2023 8th International Conference On Fog And Mobile Edge Computing, Fmec 2023. pp. 1-8 January 2023.
Perifanis V., Pavlidis N., Yilmaz S.F., Wilhelmi F., Guerra E., Miozzo M., Efraimidis P.S., Dini P., Koutsiamanis R.-A.
10.1109/FMEC59375.2023.10306017 Google Scholar
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Mobile Networks in Micro-grids
Deep learning for Unmanned Systems. pp. 259-308 October 2021.
Miozzo, Marco, Piovesan, Nicola, Temesgene, Dagnachew, Dini, Paolo Google Scholar
Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning for Functional Split Control in Energy Harvesting Virtualized Small Cells
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 626-640 October 2021.
Temesgene, DA, Miozzo, M, Gunduz, D, Dini, P
10.1109/TSUSC.2020.3025139 Google Scholar
Distributed and Multi-Task Learning at the Edge for Energy Efficient Radio Access Networks
IEEE Access. Vol. 9. pp. 12491-12505 January 2021.
Miozzo, M, Ali, Z, Giupponi, L, Dini, P
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3050841 Google Scholar
Joint Load Control and Energy Sharing for Renewable Powered Small Base Stations: A Machine Learning Approach
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. Vol. 5. No. 1. pp. 512-525 January 2021.
Piovesan, N, Lopez-Perez, D, Miozzo, M, Dini, P
10.1109/TGCN.2020.3027063 Google Scholar
Multi-Task Learning for Efficient Management of beyond 5G Radio Access Network Architectures
IEEE Access. Vol. 9. pp. 158892-158907 January 2021.
Ali, Z, Giupponi, L, Miozzo, M, Dini, P
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3130740 Google Scholar
Sustainable Marine Ecosystems: Deep Learning for Water Quality Assessment and Forecasting
IEEE Access. Vol. 9. pp. 121344-121365 January 2021.
Gambin, AF, Angelats, E, Gonzalez, JS, Miozzo, M, Dini, P
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3109216 Google Scholar
Modeling the environment in deep reinforcement learning: The case of energy harvesting base stations
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2020-May. pp. 8996-9000 January 2020.
Piovesan, Nicola, Miozzo, Marco, Dini, Paolo
10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9054646 Google Scholar
Recurrent neural networks for handover management in next-generation self-organized networks
2020 Ieee 31st Annual International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications (ieee Pimrc). Vol. 2020-August. January 2020.
Ali, Z., Miozzo, M., Giupponi, L., Dini, P., Denic, S., Vassaki, S.
10.1109/PIMRC48278.2020.9217178 Google Scholar
Coordinated Load Control of Renewable Powered Small Base Stations Through Layered Learning
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. Vol. 4. No. 1. pp. 16-30 January 2020.
Miozzo, M., Piovesan, N., Dini, P.
10.1109/TGCN.2019.2938860 Google Scholar
Recurrent Neural Networks for Handover Management in Next-Generation Self-Organized Networks
Ieee International Symposium On Personal Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications Workshops-Pimrc Workshops. January 2020.
Ali, Zoraze, Miozzo, Marco, Giupponi, Lorenza, Dini, Paolo, Denic, Stojan, Vassaki, Stavroula
Google Scholar
Dynamic control of functional splits for energy harvesting virtual small cells: A distributed reinforcement learning approach
COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 148. pp. 48-61 January 2019.
Temesgene, DA, Miozzo, M, Dini, P
10.1016/j.comcom.2019.09.002 Google Scholar
Evaluating unlicensed LTE technologies: Laa vs LTE-u
IEEE Access. Vol. 7. pp. 89714-89751 January 2019.
Bojovic, B, Giupponi, L, Ali, Z, Miozzo, M
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2926197 Google Scholar
Joint Load Control and Energy Sharing for Autonomous Operation of 5G Mobile Networks in Micro-Grids
IEEE Access. Vol. 7. pp. 31140-31150 January 2019.
Piovesan, N, Temesgene, DA, Miozzo, M, Dini, P
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2903499 Google Scholar
Design, implementation and experimental validation of a 5G energy-aware reconfigurable hotspot
COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 128. pp. 1-17 January 2018.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Miozzo, M, Donato, C, Harbanau, P, Requena-Esteso, M, Lopez-Bueno, D, Serrano, P, Mangues-Bafalluy, J, Payaro, M
10.1016/j.comcom.2018.06.008 Google Scholar
Layered Learning Radio Resource Management for Energy Harvesting Small Base Stations
2018 Ieee 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (vtc Spring). January 2018.
Miozzo, M, Dini, P
Google Scholar
Energy sustainable paradigms and methods for future mobile networks: A survey
COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 119. pp. 101-117 January 2018.
Piovesan, N, Gambin, AF, Miozzo, M, Rossi, M, Dini, P
10.1016/j.comcom.2018.01.005 Google Scholar
SDR and NFV extensions in the ns-3 LTE module for 5G rapid prototyping
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Vol. 2018-April. pp. 1-6 January 2018.
Miozzo, M, Bartzoudis, N, Requena, M, Font-Bach, O, Harbanau, P, Lopez-Bueno, D, Payaro, M, Mangues, J
10.1109/WCNC.2018.8377237 Google Scholar
Optimal direct load control of renewable powered small cells: Performance evaluation and bounds
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Vol. 2018-April. pp. 1-6 January 2018.
Piovesan, N, Miozzo, M, Dini, P
10.1109/WCNC.2018.8377448 Google Scholar
Dynamic Functional Split Selection in Energy Harvesting Virtual Small Cells Using Temporal Difference Learning
2018 Ieee 29th Annual International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications (pimrc). Vol. 2018-September. pp. 1813-1819 January 2018.
Temesgene, DA, Miozzo, M, Dini, P
10.1109/PIMRC.2018.8580970 Google Scholar
Optimal Placement of Baseband Functions for Energy Harvesting Virtual Small Cells
Ieee Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. January 2018.
Temesgene, DA, Piovesan, N, Miozzo, M, Dini, P
Google Scholar
Layered Learning Radio Resource Management for Energy Harvesting Small Base Stations
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2018-June. pp. 1-6 January 2018.
Miozzo M., Dini P.
10.1109/VTCSpring.2018.8417657 Google Scholar
Optimal Placement of Baseband Functions for Energy Harvesting Virtual Small Cells
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2018-August. January 2018.
Temesgene D.A., Piovesan N., Miozzo M., Dini P.
10.1109/VTCFall.2018.8690929 Google Scholar
Towards LTE-advanced and LTE-A pro network simulations: Implementing carrier aggregation in LTE module of ns-3
Wns3'17: Proceedings Of The Workshop On Ns-3. Vol. Part F128360. pp. 63-70 January 2017.
Bojovic, B, Abrignani, MD, Miozzo, M, Giupponi, L, Baldo, N, ACM
10.1145/3067665.3067669 Google Scholar
Energy footprint reduction in 5G reconfigurable hotspots via function partitioning and bandwidth adaptation
2017 5th International Workshop On Cloud Technologies And Energy Efficiency In Mobile Communication Networks, Cleen 2017. January 2017.
Bartzoudis N., Font-Bach O., Miozzo M., Donato C., Harbanau P., Requena M., Lopez D., Ucar I., Salona A.A., Serrano P., Mangues J., Payaro M.
10.23919/CLEEN.2017.8045934 Google Scholar
Switch-On/Off Policies for Energy Harvesting Small Cells through Distributed Q-Learning
2017 Ieee Wireless Communications And Networking Conference Workshops, Wcncw 2017. January 2017.
Miozzo M., Giupponi L., Rossi M., Dini P.
10.1109/WCNCW.2017.7919075 Google Scholar
Switch-On/Off Policies for Energy Harvesting Small Cells through Distributed Q-Learning
Ieee Wireless Communications And Networking Conference Workshops. January 2017.
Miozzo, M, Giupponi, L, Rossi, M, Dini, P
Google Scholar
Backhaul routing and base station sleep mode engagement in energy harvesting cellular networks
Mswim 2016 - Proceedings Of The 19th Acm International Conference On Modeling, Analysis And Simulation Of Wireless And Mobile Systems. pp. 186-189 January 2016.
Baranda J., Miozzo M., Dini P., Núñez-Martínez J., Mangues-Bafalluy J.
10.1145/2988287.2989175 Google Scholar
When Telecommunication Networks Meet Energy Grids: Cellular Networks with Energy Harvesting and Trading Capabilities
IEEE Communications Magazine. Vol. 53. No. 6. pp. 117-123 June 2015.
D. Zordan, M. Miozzo, P. Dini, M. Rossi
Google Scholar
When telecommunications networks meet energy grids: Cellular networks with energy harvesting and trading capabilities
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 53. No. 6. pp. 117-123 January 2015.
Zordan, D, Miozzo, M, Dini, P, Rossi, M
10.1109/MCOM.2015.7120026 Google Scholar
Distributed Q-Learning for Energy Harvesting Heterogeneous Networks
Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops. pp. 2006-2011 January 2015.
Miozzo, M, Giupponi, L, Rossi, M, Dini, P
Google Scholar
Distributed Q-learning for energy harvesting Heterogeneous Networks
2015 Ieee International Conference On Communication Workshop (iccw). pp. 2006-2011 January 2015.
Miozzo M., Giupponi L., Rossi M., Dini P.
10.1109/ICCW.2015.7247475 Google Scholar
An extension of the NS-3 LTE module to simulate fractional frequency reuse algorithms
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. pp. 98-105 January 2015.
Gawlowicz P., Baldo N., Miozzo M.
10.1145/2756509.2756524 Google Scholar
SolarStat: Modeling Photovoltaic Sources through Stochastic Markov Processes
Ieee International Energy Conference. pp. 688-695 January 2014.
Miozzo, M, Zordan, D, Dini, P, Rossi, M
Google Scholar
A testbed for Fixed Mobile Convergence experimentation: ADRENALINE-LENA integration
20th European Wireless Conference, Ew 2014. pp. 431-436 January 2014.
Baldo N., Martínez R., Dini P., Vilalta R., Miozzo M., Casellas R., Muñoz R.
Google Scholar
Extensions to LTE Mobility Functions for ns-3
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. January 2014.
Herman B., Baldo N., Miozzo M., Requena M., Ferragut J.
10.1145/2630777.2630779 Google Scholar
SolarStat: Modeling photovoltaic sources through stochastic Markov processes
2014 Ieee International Energy Conference (energycon 2014). pp. 688-695 January 2014.
Miozzo M., Zordan D., Dini P., Rossi M.
10.1109/ENERGYCON.2014.6850501 Google Scholar
HetNets Powered by Renewable Energy Sources Sustainable Next-Generation Cellular Networks
IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING. Vol. 17. No. 1. pp. 32-39 January 2013.
Piro, G, Miozzo, M, Forte, G, Baldo, N, Grieco, LA, Boggia, G, Dini, P
10.1109/MIC.2012.124 Google Scholar
Evaluation of TCP Performance with LTE Downlink Schedulers in a Vehicular Environment
International Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing Conference. pp. 1064-1069 January 2013.
Zhou, DZ, Song, W, Baldo, N, Miozzo, M
Google Scholar
An open source model for the simulation of LTE handover scenarios and algorithms in ns-3
Mswim 2013 - Proceedings Of The 16th Acm International Conference On Modeling, Analysis And Simulation Of Wireless And Mobile Systems. pp. 289-298 January 2013.
Baldo N., Requena-Esteso M., Miozzo M., Kwan R.
10.1145/2507924.2507940 Google Scholar
A model to analyze the energy savings of base station sleep mode in LTE HetNets
Proceedings - 2013 Ieee International Conference On Green Computing And Communications And Ieee Internet Of Things And Ieee Cyber, Physical And Social Computing, Greencom-Ithings-Cpscom 2013. pp. 1375-1380 January 2013.
Dini P., Miozzo M., Bui N., Baldo N.
10.1109/GreenCom-iThings-CPSCom.2013.240 Google Scholar
Evaluation of TCP performance with LTE downlink schedulers in a vehicular environment
2013 9th International Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing Conference, Iwcmc 2013. pp. 1064-1069 January 2013.
Zhou D., Song W., Baldo N., Miozzo M.
10.1109/IWCMC.2013.6583704 Google Scholar
An Open Source Product-Oriented LTE Network Simulator based on ns-3
Mswim 11: Proceedings Of The 14th Acm International Conference On Modeling, Analysis, And Simulation Of Wireless And Mobile Systems. pp. 293-297 January 2011.
Baldo, N, Miozzo, M, Requena-Esteso, M, Nin-Guerrero, J, ACM
10.1145/2068897.2068948 Google Scholar
SWAP project: Beyond the state of the art on harvested energy-powered wireless sensors platform design
Proceedings - 8th Ieee International Conference On Mobile Ad-Hoc And Sensor Systems, Mass 2011. pp. 837-842 January 2011.
Bui N., Georgiadis A., Miozzo M., Rossi M., Vilajosana X.
10.1109/MASS.2011.97 Google Scholar
Design of a unified multimedia-aware framework for resource allocation in LTE femtocells
Mobiwac'11 - Proceedings Of The 9th Acm International Symposium On Mobility Management And Wireless Access, Co-Located With Mswim'11. pp. 159-162 January 2011.
Ahmed I., Badia L., Baldo N., Miozzo M.
10.1145/2069131.2069160 Google Scholar
Small cells, wireless backhaul and renewable energy: A solution for disaster aftermath communications
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. January 2011.
Baldo N., Dini P., Mangues-Bafalluy J., Miozzo M., Núñez-Martínez J.
10.1145/2093256.2093308 Google Scholar
Accurate modelling of OFDMA transmission technique using IEEE 802.16m recommendations for WiMAX network simulator design
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. Vol. 68 LNICST. pp. 258-269 January 2011.
Miozzo M., Bader F.
10.1007/978-3-642-21444-8_23 Google Scholar
Miracle: The Multi-Interface Cross-Layer Extension of ns2
Baldo, N, Miozzo, M, Guerra, F, Rossi, M, Zorzi, M
10.1155/2010/761792 Google Scholar
Heterogeneous Routing in Ambient Networks
Iwcld: 2009 Second International Workshop On Cross Layer Design. pp. 66- January 2009.
Miozzo, M, Rossi, M
10.1109/IWCLD.2009.5156520 Google Scholar
Routing Schemes in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Based on Access Advertisement and Backward Utilities for QoS Support
IEEE Communications Magazine. Vol. 46. No. 4. pp. 64-71 January 2008.
L. Badia, M. Miozzo, M. Rossi, M. Zorzi
Google Scholar
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