
Network Management and Orchestration
5G System Design: Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term Research. January 2018.
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Transport Network Architecture
5G System Design: Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term Research. January 2018.
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Experimental Demonstration of the BIueSPACE’s NFV MANO Framework for the Control of SDM/WDM-enabled Fronthaul and Packet-based Transport Networks by Extending the TAPI
European Conference On Optical Communication, Ecoc. January 2018.
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BlueSPACE’s SDN/NFV Architecture for 5G SDM/WDM-enabled Fronthaul with Edge Computing
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SDN-enabled sliceable multi-dimensional (spectral and spatial) transceiver controlled with YANG/NETCONF
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Experimental validation of transport SDN restoration of signal-degraded connections in flexi-grid networks
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). pp. 1-3 January 2018.
Martínez, R, Casellas, R, Fabrega, JM, Vilalta, R, Muñoz, R, Nadal, L, Moreolo, MS, Villafranca, A, Sevillano, P
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Towards IP transport network transformation using standardized transport northbound interfaces
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exposition (ofc). pp. 1-2 January 2018.
Vilalta R., Lopez V., Lee Y., Zheng H., Lin Y., Casellas R., Gonzalez-De-Dios O., Martinez R., Munoz R.
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5Gtango: A Beyond-Mano Service Platform
2018 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 26-30 January 2018.
Parada C., Bonnet J., Fotopoulou E., Zafeiropoulos A., Kapassa E., Touloupou M., Kyriazis D., Vilalta R., Munoz R., Casellas R., Martinez R., Xilouris G.
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Modular SDN-enabled S-BVT adopting widely tunable MEMS VCSEL for flexible/elastic optical metro networks
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol Part F84-OFC 2018. January 2018.
Svaluto Moreolo M., Nadal L., Fabrega J.M., Vilchez F.J., Casellas R., Muñoz R., Neumeyr C., Gatto A., Parolari P., Boffi P.
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