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Discrete multitone transmission for next generation 400G data center inter-connections
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Experimental demonstration of elastic optical networking utilizing time-sliceable bitrate variable OFDM transceiver
2014 Optical Fiber Communications Conference And Exhibition (ofc). January 2014.
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Constant envelope coherent optical OFDM transceiver for elastic upgrade of transport network
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2014.
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Network virtualization, control plane and service orchestration of the ICT STRAUSS project
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Reconciling privacy and efficient utility management in smart cities
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Flexible Optical Infrastructure for Ethernet Transport: Solutions and Enabling Technologies in the ICT STRAUSS Project
2014 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2014.
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Optical transceiver technologies for inter-data center connectivity
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON. January 2014.
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